Sitemap - 2017 - Tov Rose (& The NMV Bible Project and Foundation)

The Last 2 Chapters of the Quran Should Freak You Out?

ONE LAW MOVEMENTS, Are they Kosher?

Why Arguments Against Women in Ministry Aren’t Biblical

The Book of Hebrews is a Commentary on Genesis, but there's more?

How Does Your Church Respond to Jews Who Believe In Jesus?

Is it possible that several Apostles preached in the British Isles?

Announcement: The New Messianic Version of the Bible - Online Tool

How Jewish was the early Church?

"Abbas’ Guardian Op-Ed Illustrates the Dishonesty of the ‘Palestinian Narrative’

Biblical Hebrew Class Taught by Tov Rose

Saint Patrick of Ireland, the Messianic Jew?


Which Form of Judaism is More Authentic and Honest? Messianic or Rabbinic?

Let's Talk Truth About: The Sabbath Day

Secrets of Hearing God & Change (Special Inside)...

10 Bible verses on setting yourself apart from the crowd

The Feast of Trumpets is a Rehearsal to Hear Messiah's Voice?

The Day Caiaphas Resigned as High Priest, Leaving Jesus as the ONLY High Priest In Israel

When Ancient Jewish Scholars and Ancient New Testament Writers Agree, What Should WE Conclude?

‘The Words of Strengthened Israel’ and Was Hebrews Written by Paul? Yes... by Dr. John David Pritcher, Jr., MD

“Through 'The Oldest Midrash' Can We Prove that the Apostle Paul Went to Mount Sinai?”, by Dr. John David Pritcher, Jr, MD

Identity of the Messiah from ‘The Oldest Midrash,’ by Dr. John David Pitcher, Jr, MD

"The Prophetic Transference of Elijah’s Mantle", The Oldest Midrash by Dr. By John David Pitcher Jr., MD

“All Scripture is Inspired by God,” The Oldest Midrash, By Dr. John David Pitcher Jr

Surprising New Testament Discovery! The Oldest Recorded Midrash in History Hidden in Plain Site

Is it a New Covenant or a Renewed Covenant?

Notes in the Correct Interpretation of John 1:1

ONE LAW For JEWS AND NON-JEWS? What Scriptures Really Say?

"Harmonizing" the Book of Revelation? Familiar with it?

What if YEHOVAH, or however you pronounce it, is the FAMILY name?

Did the name Jesus name originate from the Greek god Zeus?

A Jewish Believer’s view of "Hebrew Roots" "Sojourners" and "Torah Observant Gentiles"


Myths and facts about Jerusalem and Temple Mount being Islam's "3rd Holiest Site"

The Palestinian People are Made Up? Yeah. Here's the proof from their leader's mouths...

New Testament Writers Teaching Jesus is the Creator

Must Followers of Jesus Keep Torah to be More Holy than Other Believers?

A Sabbath Candle Lighting Prayer to Challenge You and Tradition

Torah keepers say that ALL followers of Messiah need to keep the Torah? Where does the Bible say that?

What about that Ethiopian Bible that has so many different Books in it?

What Makes John the Baptist a Prophet (and what did it have to do with Jesus)?

As Adopted children of the King, how do you treat your natural born siblings?

Why do so few Jews believe in Jesus, outside of Israel?

‘In 1971, Muslims murdered 2.4 million Hindus and raped 200,000 Hindu women’

Can Christans Drink Alcohol?

The Hebrew Order of Bible Books Teach: The Coming of Messiah

The Fruit of the Spirit

Who are the 144,000 the Book of Revelation? What is their Purpose?

Judgment of the Nations for How they Treat Israel?

This is not the Father: יְהוָה ? Then, who is?

What Happend to the Ancient Advanced Cultures of the Amazon?