Sitemap - 2016 - Tov Rose (& The NMV Bible Project and Foundation)

Ancient Legends are Usually Based on Core Facts - One Original Religion and Language for All People?

Jesus in the Jewish Wedding: Marriage in the Bible and Ancient Marriage and Jewish Wedding Customs

Why must the Next Temple be built In Jerusalem? Can't it be somewhere else?

Is there more to Egypt's Great Pyramid than you realize?

New Book: Would you help me finish it? About: Jesus in the Jewish Wedding

Church: How do you respond to Jewish Believing Scholars who contradict what you believe?

The "Church has Replaced Israel" is a Heresy?

How the Apostles were Expelled from "Christianity"

Is Jesus actually "the God" of the Old Testament? Why is this research controversial?

Genesis 1:1 - What is a Merism, and Why did Moses use one in this sentence--and why it matters

What Your Church is Missing? Understanding Remnant Theology (Romans 9:6-8, 11:1-7)

Why don't they teach this stuff in public schools?

Does the Zodiac Predate ALL Existing Cultures? Who is it about?

Antisemitism, The Jews and Your Church

Ebla: Its Impact on Bible Records

Jacob: Heel-Grabber, or Usurper?

The Real Father Abraham, Part 2

The Real Father Abraham, Part 1

What Millennials Actually Want

Pronunciation of YHVH

Either Evolution is True, OR The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. Not Both!

The Evolution Lie: The De-evolution of Humanity Documented

The Reality of the Biblical Canon (Books of the Bible) - Exactly How Many Different Versions Are There in the World?

What was the Very First Religion and Language on Planet Earth?

Real History: How City Dwelling Humans Became Rural Savages

Israeli-Based Anti-Missionary Orthodox Jews ADMIT: Hundreds of their people are coming to Jesus!

Jewish Wedding Traditions, by Lambert Dolphin



1st Century Jewish Believers Traversed the Entire Earth with the Gospel?

If Jesus is the Messiah, How Come No Rabbi Believes in Him?

Ancient Maps that Tell the Story of a World-Wide Global Survey in 3000 BC?

Did the Ancient Phoenicians (and Israelis) Have Colonies in South America?

Why is Pentecostalism and the Charismatic Movement Growing? Answer: Jewish Evangelism

Palestinian Prime Minister: We're following the path of the Nazi Mufti Who Helped Hitler Kill 6 Million Jews

Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini: Architect of the Murder of 6 Million Jews and the Palestinians of Today

How Wealthy Were Some of Jesus' Disciples?

1,050 New Testament Commands

Is it a Renewed Covenant or a New Covenant?

Are Hebrew/Hebraic Roots, Torah Observant Gentiles Making Themselves, "Twice the Child a Hell?"

The Real Danger of the Hebrew Roots Movement? Leading people AWAY from Yeshua/Jesus!

Pastors and Evangelists: For God's Sake STOP Calling it a Crusade!

Who Are the Palestinians? by Yashiko Sagamori

Major Rabbi Predicts Christians Will Be "Source of Torah" in Coming Days of Messiah

The Jewish people were given “title” to Jerusalem under international law

Should Christians Celebrate the Ancient Biblical feast Days?

The Truth About The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Does anyone really care?

How to Approach the Father in Worship

Pastor Robert Morris: why God has blessed his church (Every Pastor in America Should See THIS)

Is God the Father the Creator, or it is His Son (Jesus)?

Update from Tov Rose 4/1/2016

There is no such thing as a "Renewed" Mosaic Covenant?

Fairytales much older than previously thought, say researchers

The Myth of Jewish Rejection of Jesus

The Apocalypse of Daniel

The Bahir

Jews are indigenous to Israel, and why Palestinians are not

Bible Expert's Surprising Findings About Jews and Judaism Revealed in the New Testament

What the Bleep Does the Bible Say About Profanity? Political correctness, vulgarity and the scandalous nature of God's Word.

Paul's Profanity - Sailor's Language in the New Testament? Yes

The Heretical Eth Cepher Bible?