Sitemap - 2011 - Tov Rose (& The NMV Bible Project and Foundation)

Minnesota in the News Again: Reincarnated Hindu Spiritual Leader in Columbia Heights?

Can you help me? The Book of GOD: Genesis Unbound - The New Messianic Bible Version

Thoughts about the Future?

Reality Check: The Truth About THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN and Her Son?

Amazing Discoveries in Mexico, Did Solomon's Navy Make It This Far?

The Navy of King Solomon Traveled the World?

Perplexing Mysteries: Proof that Jews were in America in ancient times?

Jewish festivals, Circumcision, Ark of the Covenant: Indian Rituals of North America? Wow...

Hebrews in the Americas 1,000 B.C.?

Biblical Evidence Confirms King Solomon's Navy Traveled the Earth?

Ancient Maps of the "Sea Kings", Proof of King Solomon's World-Wide Navy?

The Mystery of New Zealand's Maoris, Ancient Israeli Influence? King Solomon's Navy?

Discoveries in South America, Did King Solomon's Navy Make it this Far?

Did ancient Hebrews reach the shores of the North and South American continents thousands of years before Christopher Columbus?

Why you should be upset, too: UN Agenda 21 just hit me in my personal @#$%^&*

Additional Speaking Topics

Is there Archaeological Evidence of Life Before Noah's Flood? Yes...?

A Timeline for the "Last Days"? Armageddon? End of the World?

End Times? The Days of Noah? Or Closer to Our Own Times?

End Times? The Days of Noah? Or Closer to Our Own Times?

Why are Christians Offended When I Teach?


CONTEST! Design my next book cover -- The Winner Gets... Like Me on Facebook? New Page!

What do you guys think about my new website background?

Music Review of "Beautiful Things" by Gungor

Why are Jews considered rich?

The Fall of the American Babylon, Part III

The Reality of Hell and Osama bin Laden?

Salt Lake City goes wallet-free with Isis

Did Dinosaurs Interact with Man Under Blue South American Skies? If You Believe the Darwinist Timescale Applies; Viewer Discretion is Advised!

Amazing cases of living frogs, toads and lizards found encased within solid rock

When Muslims Burn Their Korans....

Chicago school usurps parental authority - Will Anyone Ever Stand Up for America?

Growing Intolerance for Christianity in U.S.


A brief look at those things others may overlook prophetically on the local, national and world stage. by