[In Case You Missed It] New Audiobook from Tov Rose: The Book of God for Men: Every Man's Handbook for knowing God
It isn't easy being a man, especially in a culture that often denigrates men, and where so many children are now born without good male role-models. This handbook is intended for such men looking for a role-model, for men looking to be better at being Godly Men, and for women looking to know what a Godly Man should look like. More than anything, this book is about knowing the One who is the perfect, generous, loving man - GOD Himself.
"Tov Rose fills in the gaps of God the Father," said respected television host Sid Roth. “The church has emphasized God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. But in the last days, the emphasis will be on understanding and knowing God the Father. Only someone with a Jewish understanding can bring us this end-time revelation, and Tov has done so." - Sid Roth, Television Host